Ps4 moba games
Ps4 moba games

I have to admin that HOTS is so far the worst E-sport game I used to play.

#Ps4 moba games Offline#

Gaea Gosu's Experience I was top GM European server and attended to few offline events. Sylvanas who can take towers, forts and keeps all alone. Abathur, a hero that doesn't even enter, and doesen't need to enter the battle even once and can do everything it needs from spawn area. ChoGal, a hero that needs two human players to control. Not to mention all this despite the rule breaking heroes. Blizzard is THE company when it comes to understanding competitive games. Problem is that people being so used to typical mobas come into this with the mindset of typical mobas and expect same mechanics and when they don't find it, they scream casual, not realising that other stuff has been added to make it deep and more strategic in a different way.

ps4 moba games

Easy concept to get but difficult to master. Now, thanks to this, you need to have much more map awareness than any other moba as ganks and team attacks and such can happen any time anywhere. For example, last hitting is removed and experience is shared across all teammates. HOTS is simple where other mobas are unnecessarily complicated while it is complicated where other mobas are unnecessarily simple.

ps4 moba games

There's a difference between a game being accessible and a game being casual. Arkham Ninja's Experience simple to understand yet hard to master.

Ps4 moba games